Our Why
is very simple.

Relaxing, sensory bath for baby.

Dry and dress you baby with our soft towels and fluffy bath robes.

Dedicated, special bonding time just for you and your baby.

Relaxing, sensory bath for baby.
Babies need to feel loved, safe and cherished.​
The first 1001 days of life
Leading child health experts agree that the care given during the first 1001 days of life has more influence on a child’s future than at any other time in their life.
As parents are busy adapting to their new role with their baby, many of us would agree that these 1001 days can pass by very quickly.
Baby Massage
Nurturing touch through baby massage is a centuries old tradition which can help give a child the best possible start in life - health, happiness, security and a feeling of being loved. Touch is a primary sense that begins to develop as early as 16 weeks gestation. Babies are therefore born with the experience of touch from their surroundings within the womb.
The benefits of touch through baby massage for both parent and baby are widely recognised and undisputed:
May promote a good sleep routine and duration by relaxing baby.
Stimulates all of baby's major systems: learning ability, language development, coordination, respiratory and digestion.
Encourages bonding and a positive relationship between carer and baby.
Baby massage classes can be relaxing for both parent and baby.
Our experiences focus on massaging baby's legs and feet as they are considered to be the least sensitive part of the body and so a good starting point to get baby used to the sensation of a massage. This is particularly important if a baby has not been massaged before.
There are several benefits from a leg and foot massage:
The legs and bottom are the largest and often most active parts of the body and so massaging these is good for relaxing the muscles and easing tension.
Good for getting the circulation flowing.
Helps to increase flexibility.
Foot massage stimulates the reflex points.
The Golden Rule of baby massage: babies always come first.
Due to the nature of our experiences, we will never instruct you to perform a whole body massage on your baby. Whole body massages should only be performed on babies who have received massages on all other parts of the body previously by attending a baby massage course (legs and feet; tummy; chest, arms and hands; head and face; back). This is to avoid babies becoming over stimulated and distressed.
Making memories
Babies are precious. We encourage you to capture your time together with us to celebrate the special memories that you will make.