Sleep & Your Baby
Sleep is a topic that often comes up during our classes.
Like adults, all babies have different sleeping habits - some nap during the day and some don't, some sleep through the night and others wake multiple times.
As well as this, some babies develop a sleep pattern for weeks or months at a time... and then they experience a growth spurt, teething troubles, illness, developmental stage (the list could continue!) and their previous sleeping schedule (if they ever had one) disappears.
If you are ever concerned about your little one's sleeping habits, please speak to your Health Visitor or GP, in the first instance, particularly if a medical issue could be the reason your baby isn't sleeping.
Leanne from Little Dreams Birmingham has kindly written blogs for you to download to give you information regarding two of the most popular topics that parents bring up in our classes:
For more information about Leanne and Little Dreams Birmingham, please follow this link:
Please Note: Leanne's services are not medical advice. The advice you receive from her is for informational purposes only and is intended for use with common early childhood sleep issues that are wholly unrelated to medical conditions. Her advice is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health practitioner regarding any matters that may require medical attention or diagnosis, and before following the advice and using the techniques described in your sleep plan. Reliance on any information provided by LWSC LTD T/A Little Dreams Birmingham is solely at your own risk.